
Marcos Baudean

Welcome to my site! I’m a sociologist, and this is my professional site. I work as a professor and researcher at Universidad ORT Uruguay. Besides, I work as a consultant for public and international organizations and the private sector.

At Universidad ORT I work as Associate Professor of Research Methodology, teaching methodology courses in undergraduate, postgraduate and short careers. I have also taught courses at foreign universities.

My research work focuses on three areas. In drug policy, I work on the regulation of cannabis at the international level, with a focus on the evaluation of the regulation of recreational cannabis in Uruguay.

I am a member of Monitor Cannabis Uruguay, the first group of independent researchers dedicated to the evaluation and monitoring of cannabis regulation in Uruguay.

In economic history, I work on financial history of the Río de la Plata, with a focus on the first half of the 20th century.

Finally, I work in applied reseach (for the State and international organizations), as well as for the private sector.

In all these areas I have publications and have participated in seminars, congresses and conferences at a national and international level. Details can be found in my CV.

Curriculum Vitae